Love marriages vs Arranged marriages

 What is love marriage?

This is a type of marriage whereby two people (man and woman) love each other and end up getting married without the interference of their parents. They go ahead with their marriage without the consent of their parents. In love marriage, the decision is solely depended on the couples.


What is an arranged marriage?

This is a type of marriage whereby the bride and groom are chosen or selected. The people who usually select the bride and groom are usually family members mostly the parents. Such marriages are based on cultural beliefs. This type of marriages is common in South Asia. These marriages are arranged by sites like Matchfinder .


What the difference is between arrange marriage and love marriage? 

In arranged marriage,the bride and the groom might not know each other at all but end up getting married together. In love marriage, on the other hand, the bride and the groom must know each other very well to decide on getting married.
In love marriage, the groom and the bride are usually in an intimate relationship before getting married while in an arranged marriage, the bride and the groom must not be in an intimate relationship for them to get married.

The decision to get married in love marriage is based on the couples who are in love but in an arranged marriage, the decision lies between those who are arranging the marriage. In short, the decision for the couples to get married relies on the family members or parents who joined the bride and the groom.

In love marriage, you do not have to ask consent for the two of you to get married but in an arranged marriage, the parents are the ones who give consent for the couples to be married.
In love marriage,there are romantic moments involved but in an arranged marriage, no romance is needed for the two to get married. After you have been selected and joined together through marriage, you might end up being close together later own or even fail to build that romantic feeling.

Do arranged marriages work?

Marriage is the most sensitive aspect of life. You might end up being ruined simply because you ended up marrying a wrong person. In some instances, people arranged to marry each other end up bonding and becoming perfect for each other but to some, that has never worked. A good percentage of these arranged marriages do not work at all. Reason being, you will always feel like you are at a wrong place especially if you fail to bond or get attracted to each other at later stages.



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